Project of the Week

Project of the Week
Current project: Hell's Kitchen

Monday, October 22, 2007

Welcome to This Old PMQ

Motivated by the efforts of other home restorers (though that's no longer my category), I decided to put the woes and joys of fixing up an old Haligonian PMQ here online, to serve either as an inspiration or cautionary tale to others.
Fresh off my revamp of a 1910 bungalow in another province (maybe I'll put up pictures of that one day...what a DO OVER!), and presented with a fait accompli in that my military spouse bought this house before I had any input*, it is now up to [pregnant] me to fix this bad boy up so that it doesn't make me twitch and squirm to look at it.
We'll start with a link to some 'before' photos of my husband's efforts to undo the "PO" aka "Previous Owner" 's misdoings, including painting anything Smurf Blue. FYI: Smurf Blue is never a good idea, unless you would like someone blogging about this heinous deed in the future.
So, without further ado, the before:

*in the military, you're given about five minutes to buy a house before you're posted. Thus, some choices of accomodation are bound to happen.

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